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Navigate the sea of information, identify which sources are reliable, prepare arguments, devise tangible and viable solutions that are resilient to the realities of the countries represented, and other challenges that participants must face on their conference path. All with a single purpose: to learn the most they can on the topic they’ll debate.

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COP: Protecting Marine Biodiversity in Developing Nations


The industry of commercial fishing plays a major role in the economy of many developing nations. However, the environmental impact it has is extremely concerning due to carbon dioxide emissions coming from large ships and transportation of the produce, as well as plastic contamination, destruction of marine ecosystems and habitats from trawling , and threats to endangered wildlife by killing marine life as bycatch or invasive species. Delegates must have a say in an industry that can have wide-ranging consequences for marine ecosystems and biodiversity while figuring out how to manage other causes such as pollution, climate change, and other human related activities.

General Assembly: The Ethics of Genetic Editing and Human DNA Modification 


Genetic editing refers to the ability to modify an organism's DNA, allowing precise changes to be made to the genetic code. The rapid-growing field of genetic modification has seen the development of new tools such as the CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technique, making it far more accessible and efficient to perform genetic modifications in a wide range of organisms, including humans. However, there’s an international concern regarding the ethics and morals of human DNA modification. While it can be a beneficial tool to treat diseases caused by genetic mutations, it is also very vulnerable to abuse. This committee seeks to ensure safety and responsibility in the application of genetic editing techniques. Delegates must aim for a consensus regarding international standards and regulations to prevent the abuse of this technology.

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Security Council: Impact of armed conflict on children: targeting of children in armed conflicts and the recruitment of child soldiers


When wars break out, it's a well known fact that children become direct targets, facing not just physical harm but also the kind of mental scars that last a lifetime. Displacement becomes their new reality, and in the worst case scenario, some groups reclute them as child soldiers. In this cruel reality, childhood is stolen, innocence and laughter are replaced with violence and death. This not only subjects them to the immediate brutality of war but also robs them of the carefree existence inherent to childhood. Raising awareness is crucial in order to provide a voice for children and advocate for change in policies. It is imperative that the conflict be met with the seriousness it deserves and ways to face this problem be proposed. 

UNESCO: Inclusive, equitable, quality education for all


Inclusive education ensures equal opportunity by removing barriers for diverse learners. Equitable education addresses disparities through targeted support, and quality education emphasizes relevance and effectiveness. Promoting inclusive and equitable learning involves adapting methods and supporting the access, recognizing difficulties and adjusting to overcome challenges. Through this discussion, there is a call to eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations. Education empowers, allowing informed decision-making and advocacy, fostering social cohesion and sustainable development. However, regions such as Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America face challenges in providing quality education. The need is clear: education that transcends barriers, offering hope and opportunity for all

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UNICEF: Addressing Child Marriage, Safeguarding Children's Rights and Welfare


Child Marriage is defined as formal marriage or informal union where one or both spouses are under the age of 18. "Child and Forced Marriage (CFM) is a human rights violation and a harmful practice that disproportionately affects women and girls around the world, preventing them from living their lives free from all forms of violence". CFM represents a reality that robs lives, futures, and potential development from future generations of our society. The objective of this committee is to address this issue with the intention of seeking preventive measures and tangible solutions to this problem, taking as a model those already established and avoiding their legal loopholes, contradictions and limitations, with the collaboration of the countries that comprise it.

ILO: Labor Revolution, Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence. 


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that focuses on creating systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning and perception. By introducing new technologies and business models, AI is having a significant impact on the workplace from automating repetitive tasks to optimizing processes or transforming entire industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, transportation and logistics. However, within the positive changes are risk factors that can become serious, such as the replacement of human-performed tasks. Delegations need to consider how to manage these changes, including ensuring data protection, redressing the lack of regulation, and addressing ethical issues for all.  The impact of these changes on the workforce is also important.

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